- Bowen Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Back Pain in patients with identified Disc Injury, Pennington, K.
Ovo istraživačko izvješće predstavlja studiju serije slučajeva koja se bavi djelotvornošću Bowenove terapije u liječenju kronične boli u leđima kod pacijenata s jasnom i vidljivom patologijom. Istraživanje je provela Katrina Pennington, BAppSc (Occupational Therapy), MAppSc (Acupuncture) - Učinak Bowen terapije u liječenju pacijenata s kroničnom boli , Som, Josip, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku Medicinski fakultet Osijek, Diplomski rad
- Integrated Physiotherapy Approach for Susac Syndrome: A Comprehensive Case Study, Darko Bilić, Antonija Hrkač, Franjo Keškić Physiotherapy intervention: Balance and gait training, Combination of Bowen and Emmett therapy, P-DTR, Strength exercises
- Effects of Bowen therapy in patients with tension-type headache: A randomized controlled trial. Muhammad Mustafa Qamar, Ayesha Basharat, Qurba Kiran, Fatima. Conclusion: Bowen Therapy might be a beneficial and effective treatment for a tension-type headache.
- Primjena Bowen terapije u Hrvatskoj, Franc, Monika, Veleučilište “Lavoslav Ružička” u Vukovaru, Odjel za zdravstvene studije, Diplomski rad
- Istraživanje učinka Bowen tretmana kod novorođenčadi s grčevima proveo Geroge Ilchev iz Bugarske u lipnju 2013. Rad je objavljen u časopisu Bowen hands: Baby colics – Bowen Hands 06.2013
- Kolega George Ilchev proveo je još jedno istraživanje 2016. godine na temu novorođenačkih kolika. Pročitajte: RESEARCH-ON-BABY-COLIC
- The acute effect of Bowen therapy on pressure pain thresholds and postural sway in healthy subjects, Gonçalo J.S. Félix, Lisa BlackEmail the author Lisa Black, Mário Rodrigues, Anabela G. Silva’Correspondence information about the author Anabela G. Silva;
- Efficacy of Bowen therapy in postoperative pain management – a single blinded (randomized) controlled trial, OA. Dr. Günter Hipmair
- A pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of Bowen technique in the management of clients with frozen shoulder
- Effectiveness of Bowen Therapy for Pain Management in Patients With Fibromyalgia
- Effectiveness Of Bowen Therapy on Pain Relief and Functional improvement in Patients with Tennis Elbow: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Bowenwork for Migraine Relief: a Case Report.
- The effectiveness of Bowen Technique as an adjunct to conventional physiotherapy on pain and functional outcomes in subject with Acute Trapezitis – a clinical trial.– Peeyoosha GurudutKLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi · Associate Professor, Orthopedic Physiotherapy, KAHER’ Institute of Physiotherapy; Neha Kothari, Master of physical therapy
- Bowen Technique for patients with low back pain – Ewelina Kopczyńskaa, Roksana Malakb, Anna Kostiukowc, Włodzimierz Samborskid, Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Poznan University of Medical Sciences
- Short term relief of multisite chronic pain with Bowen Therapy: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial
- Effects of Bowen Technique versus Muscle Energy Technique on Asymptomatic Subjects with Hamstrings Tightness: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Vijay Kage1*, Farhana Bootwala2 and Gayatri Kudchadkar2 -
Effects of Muscle Energy Technique with and without Bowen Therapy in Text Neck Syndrome; Pakeeza Seemal, Rabiya Noor, Saba Riaz, Hamna Afzal, Sania Anwaar, Mehwish Niaz, Pakeeza Seemal
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